Friday, May 18, 2018

Greater Philly Gluten Free Expo

This Saturday May 19th in Oaks PA I will be attending the Gluten Free Expo.

I have been wanting to attend one of these expos for awhile now but always had conflicts with the dates and /or locations. So this year when we finally determined we would be around, I bought the tickets at Wegmans.

I am very excited to see all the amazing products that will be there and meet some awesome people. I am hopeful I will be able to meet with the owner of the blog Gluten Free Philly. He was one of the first blogs I followed and he has been extremely helpful in finding places to eat not only in Philly but when he posts about trips he has taken.

I plan to post a full review over on my gluten free blog, Gluten Free R U, but I will also cross post here just in case anyone is interested that doesn't follow that blog.

Is there anything you want me to look for while at this expo? If so, please let me know in the

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