Thursday, July 1, 2021

Wegmans Gluten Free Pretzel Sticks

So I first must point out that I haven't eaten any pretzels in over 1.5 years. When I decided to lose weight I knew the number one thing I had to give up was pretzels and really the only thing I had to give up. They are my kryptonite and guess what? They still are.

The crunch, the salt, the stick form, all of it. I LOVE pretzels and these are pretty good, if a little generic. I don't like saying that because it sounds really bad and to some it might be. But I like a generic pretzel. My favorite pretzel doesn't exist anymore once they changed their recipe - as they said to make them healthier. It's a pretzel, it is not supposed to be healthy.

Anyway, for $2.99 and I had a $1 off coupon, these are a great buy. However, I can never buy them again, as the bag didn't even make it a week. There is no way I can eat just 33 pretzels as a serving. Sad but true. At least I know my kryptonite and can choose to avoid it.

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